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Welcome Our Doghouse!!!

Hi I'm Fluffy

Like it says above I'm Fluffy and I am the only cat in this Doghouse. Don't worry I keep the dogs in line. I'm 13 years old (human years) and I don't even want to think about what that is in cat years.

Hi, I'm Bull

I'm Bull, as in Pitbull, a Pitbull mix to be exact. I've had a rough past but thankfully my Momma found me or maybe I found her.

Hi, I'm Katie Mae

I'm the queen, I mean Katie Mae. I'm a purebred Black Lab and my Daddy says that I am so spoiled that I fit in with the rest of his kids. I don't have any picture on here cuz I wanted to save all mine for the Photos page.

Say Hello

You can e-mail us or if you must our sis/Momma here